Take action now to support the Transit Commuter Benefit
The Employers Council on Flexible Compensation has agreed to join the Commuter Benefits Works for Us Coalition’s effort to support the Transit Commuter Benefit. In the coming weeks, Congress will have the opportunity to restore parity between the parking and transit benefits through consideration of legislation to extend certain expired tax provisions. However, Congressional action will not happen without your help. Your Members of Congress need to hear from you on the importance of addressing this issue now. <br><br> Please click on the link below and go to the Take Action Now section to send your Member a letter now. <br><br> As you know, the monthly limit for transit commuters was reduced from $245 per month to $130 per month effective January 1, 2014. Congress’ failure to maintain the level of the transit benefit not only decreases disposable income for many Americans, but forces many commuters back into their cars, potentially leading to increases in congestion, fuel consumption, lost production, and wasted time that could be spent on the job or with their families. In addition, the transit benefit also provides businesses with a financial tax savings incentive to help their employees increase their disposable income. This is a perfect example of how targeted and effective federal policy can provide employers with an opportunity to help their employees save money on their commute. Congress should support a policy that rewards businesses that are doing the right thing by providing their employees with transportation alternatives. Please communicate this important message with your legislators and share the link and this email with your contacts and staff. Working together we can express to Congress the importance of creating parity between the parking and transit portions of the Commuter Benefit.
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